Magic Spree
MagicSpree is a first-of-its-kind last minute deals platform. There is something about last minute plans, unplanned holidays, and racing against time – like living life on the edge a little? Make spontaneous plans more fun with MagicSpree – Your best buddy for those last minute plans!
Whether it’s an urgent business travel or a last minute vacation plan, hotel booking with MagicSpree deals and discounts will make your 11th hour plans a pleasurable experience.
Currently offering great last minute hotel bookings across top cities in India, MagicSpree will soon be offering the best food & drinks deals in town. Stay tuned for more updates.
The magicspree portal went live in 2017 and ever since its launch they are providing negotiation platform to customers to get best deals for hotel booking. We have designed and developed this portal in such way that user can bid and compare the prices from leading hotels of India and as per their choice can complete the booking We spent a lot of time working with Magicspree team on the site’s information architecture and, particularly, the site map and priority of different sections. There was a lot of integration done with different hotels booking platform to get the real-time information from those hotels.
The magicspree portal design is quite vibrant and it gives a fresh & warm feel to the Customers. In the first month of launch itself the Website did a good number of online hotel booking and continue do so. This portal shall become leading hotel booking portal in the making because of its unique negotiation and bidding at last minute functionality. The Users now have an easy option to compare various hotels and accordingly bid and book the hotel room of their choice at very low price.